Award-Winning Copywriter

Hi there. My name is 

Michael Cassman

I’m a direct response copywriter and I create compelling and persuasive sales messages to help marketing agencies and small business owners attract more leads, sell more stuff and make more money.

I’m also a published author, content creator and perpetual student of sales, marketing, psychology, people skills and persuasion.

Looking for more details? Scroll down for the full story…or…

For the more curious explorer wanting a more complete “about” page, I suppose I wrote this for you.

First I’ll tell you who I’m not…


  • I’m not a master or a guru, and I’ve never claimed to be a teacher.
  • I’m not an “A-list” copywriter or world-class marketer, although I’m doing everything I can to reach that lofty goal by getting a little better… Every. Single. Day.
  • I don’t pretend to know everything about my work, as there are many people far more experienced than me who continue to learn something new each day. There is no end to this learning.


So with those admissions out of the way, now I’ll tell you who I am.

I’m a skilled and experienced direct response copywriter and perpetual student of sales, marketing and human psychology.

Creating compelling and persuasive sales messages that captivate and resonate with audiences is my profession and passion.

I’ve successfully freelanced my copywriting and marketing services since a dramatic “career shift” in 2021. Please see my Portfolio or Wall O’ Testimonials if you’re interested.

I was raised the oldest of 14 children in a devout Catholic family which taught me leadership, virtue and discipline.

I was homeschooled for much of my youth with spurts of attendance at both private and public schools. Homeschooling instilled in me the habits of time management, self-sufficiency and a perpetual drive to improve. Public school taught me other, more interesting things.

In my final two years of high school, I took courses and unpaid internships in marketing and copywriting.

Being raised in a pretty seriously Catholic family, instead of pursuing the professional path, I decided to go the religious route.

After graduation, I entered seminary to become a Catholic priest and pursued that goal for nearly six years.

During that time I received an extraordinary education in humanities, philosophy, psychology, rhetoric and writing.

Most importantly, these years taught me how to think critically and order my thoughts, quickly grasp new concepts, reduce complex ideas into their simplest parts and identify common-sense solutions to efficiently solve problems.

Believe it or not, I use what I learned from seminary in my advertising work every day…

Now, clearly the seminary thing didn’t work out for me…

After my six years (I still had a few more to go), I came to realize that religious life was not the path for me, and so I left.

At 25 I returned to the workforce about where I left it all those years ago as a part-time unpaid copywriting intern. My resume was a joke… Chick-Fil-A and Coca-Cola were the highlights…

I didn’t have a degree since I didn’t get ordained a priest and I didn’t have a dollar of my own earning to support myself.

Thanks to my generous and loving family, I had a place to sleep, a car to drive and food to eat. And a number of my friends (God bless them), gave me a gift of $250 to help me “start anew.”

By day two after leaving seminary I’d spent nearly all of it on piecing together a home office to get to work as quickly as possible.

With a collection of top-notch marketing and copywriting resources, a new laptop, snowball microphone, ergonomic Logitech Bluetooth mouse with a sticky left click button and a borrowed computer monitor I set out on my new journey.

I spent the next several months, nearly a year in fact, voraciously reading, watching, and listening to any direct response marketing material I could get my hands on. I put them on a loop, submerging myself constantly, in the writings, lectures and courses offered by the world’s greatest marketers.

All the while I was scraping for clients to start making some kind of living. I did work for free for family and friends to hone my skills and get experience. When I finally did start getting clients, I learned quickly the do’s and don’ts of client relationships, got beat up a little bit at times, but not as badly as others have.

But one thing I always kept in my mind continues to serve me well, “Learn at every moment.”

I still keep up this regimen to some degree, although I now spend less time studying and more time putting what I’ve learned into practice, which is both the source of my livelihood and a continuation of the learning process.

I’m on a mission to provide the best possible service to as many of my ideal clients as I can and make good money doing it. I strive to always learn, grow and improve my craft, and if I can, share my knowledge with others so that they can improve their own lives in whatever little ways they can.