Award-Winning Copywriter

Build out your email sequences in minutes instead of hours (or days!)

ENOUGH with all the complicated and confusing marketing. Because confused prospects never buy.

These templates utilize the KISS philosophy – Keep It Stupid Simple – paired with persuasive direct response strategies to maximize conversions. Get yours today! 👇

funnel template pic

ULTIMATE DIY Email Bundle (Coming Soon)

This is a quick, easy, affordable solution to crank out the 12 most ESSENTIAL profit-driven email sequences for your business. If these were the only copy assets in your arsenal, you’d far exceed the average business’s strategy to generate leads and sales through email automation.

Now accepting pre-orders!

Cart Abandonment Rescue (DIY)

“Cart-abandoners” are some of the hottest leads you’ll ever have…

…to NOT follow up with them is a massive missed opportunity to reclaim easy sales. Send your Cart Abandonment Rescue to drag them back to their Cart squealing with glee.

Welcome Sequence (DIY)

The moment a prospect joins your list is very special. It’s the beginning of a relationship that could last years and change lives. It deserves special care.

Use the Welcome Sequence to build trust, excitement & scoop up easy sales from brand-new subscribers.

Checkout Abandonment Hero (DIY)

“Checkout Abandoners” – after ditching your checkout – are possibly the hottest leads you’ll ever have.

Not to be confused with the Cart Abandonment Sequence, this sequence targets prospects who DECIDED to buy (but got cold feet) instead of those merely CONSIDERING buying.

This follow-up sequence is a no-brainer to reclaim lost sales.

Post-Purchase Sequence For 1st Time Buyers (DIY)

The moment that a prospect becomes your customer for the first time is a MAJOR event in the life of your relationship with them. It’s a time for you to show excitement and return the favor by “Give, give, give.”

Romance the heck out of new customers to boost engagement and capture additional purchases turning 1 into 2, 3 and beyond!

Browse Abandonment Recovery Sequence (DIY)

The Browse Abandonment Sequence aims to convert prospects who viewed a product page but never pulled the trigger. 
Ogling your goods does them no good. They need to buy from you to get solutions.

Send them the Browse Abandonment Sequence to get your products into their hands!